This September, our Cultural Partners at Art Work Exeter are turning Exeter Custom House into a radio station.
River Radio will be streaming live between 8am, Friday 13th September – 8pm, Sunday 15th September as part of ECQT’s Heritage Harbour Festival and the national Heritage Open Days .
Art Work Exeter’s summer project at the Custom House invites Exeter residents to explore the sounds and stories of the River Exe as it meets the Quayside and Ship Canal – and bring them to life for listeners across Exeter and the world!
Get Involved: River Moments
Art Work Exeter’s River Radio will be powering up for 60 hours of broadcasting live from Exeter Custom House 13th-15 September. Our final call out for River Radio contributions is for lovers of the River Exe everywhere along its length.
We are asking city residents and frequent visitors to the Exe to record and share 2 minutes of their favourite part of the river. It could be the thundering weir beside Miller’s Bridge, it might be the tranquil buzz beside Belle Isle Park, it may be the shrieking of kids and gulls on Dawlish Warren Spit!
You can use your mobile phone to capture the sound – but if you have any other sound recording kit you’re welcome to use it!
Send us your recordings by Weds 11th September.